Creative storytelling - 28.02.2018
An act of kindness The food we eat makes our bodies, the stories we hear make our minds. This sentence made sense to me from the first time I heard it. Indeed, such as the food is important and necessary for a human to be able to live, stories are the reason of how we think and see the world. As Andrew Wright tells it in his text we are stories, stories are people and society because they carry different values, perceptions and behaviours through time that are transmitted to all of us. For this reason, teachers have an important role at school because they bring pupils to create their own inner story map (Wright A., 2017) through an internal and external experience which makes them understand the world in a personal way. The experience in class As a teacher student I had the chance to experience one of David Heathfiel ds creative way of telling a story. In our creative learning module we had to talk about an act of kindness (Heathfield D., ...